Contact us!
We are here to assist you with any questions you may have.
Diabetes Store, Inc. is here to “close the loop” in Diabetes Care.
DSI works directly with customers/health plan members, insurers, providers and leading diabetes supply manufacturers to provide high-quality products and services to help successfully manage diabetes. So relax…your health and comfort are our business.
Contact Information
Main phone: 800-501-1556
Fax: 901-312-3152
Office / Pharmacy / Class Locations
Moriah Woods
1760 Moriah Woods Blvd.
Suite 2
Memphis, TN 38117
Phone: 901-312-3150 or 800-501-1556
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 am–5:00 pm
Diabetes Testing Supplies
Customer Service/Order Placement & Inquiries
Phone: 800-501-1556
Fax: 888-384-0282
Therapeutic Shoe Program
Schedule Onsite Visit
Phone: 800-501-1556
Customer Service/Order Placement & Inquiries
Phone: 800-501-1556
Fax: 800-783-9827
DSI Diabetes Management Program
Program Business Development
Are you a Diabetes Store Customer?
Would you be willing to share feedback on your experience?
We promise to only take a few minutes of your time!
Diabetes Store, Inc is committed to your satisfaction throughout the ordering process and on every product sold.
Our friendly staff is here to assist you with any questions.
For more information or to order Diabetes Supplies or Therapeutic Shoes, call us at 800-501-1556.